Factors that Contribute to the Incidence of Tobacco Smoking among the Students of Puntod National High School: A Basis for Preventative Measure To Deter Student from Smoking CHAPTER 1 The Problem Introduction The use of tobacco is not a recent phenomenon. It has been said that tobacco plants have grown in North and South America since 6,000 B.C.1. It was also believed that tobacco had many healing qualities which made its use widespread2. In the 17th... Premium 14136 Words 57 Pages
Smoking Tobacco smoking From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search [pic] A Nama woman smoking in the Kalahari Desert Smoking any tobacco product, %, Males[1] Smoking any tobacco product, %, Females[1] Tobacco smoking is the inhalation of smoke from burned dried or Premium 8555 Words 35 Pages
Smoking I. INTRODUCTION: TOPIC: WHAT ARE THE REASONS OF SMOKING A CIGARETTE AMONG THE COLLEGE STUDENTS OF COLEGIO DE STA. CECILIA? OBJECTIVE: We choose this as a topic for our documentation because its seems like some of the student are engage in this kind of practice. And we want to Premium 10454 Words 42 Pages
Appraisal Factors Affecting Adoloscents’ Engagement to Cigarette Smoking APPRAISAL FACTORS AFFECTING ADOLOSCENTS’ ENGAGEMENT TO CIGARETTE SMOKING CHAPTER 1 PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction Cigarette smoking during childhood and adolescence produces significant health problems among young people, including cough and phlegm production, an increase in the num Premium 4049 Words 17 Pages