Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2013)
SMS Based Wireless E-Notice Board
Smt.M.Baby1, P.Harini2, Y.Eleena Slesser3, Y.Tejaswi4, K.Ramajyothi5, M.Sailaja6, K.Annie Sumantha7
Assistant professor, Dept of electronic &communications Engineering, BWEC, AP, India. 2,3,4,5,6,7 Student, Dept of electronic &communications Engineering, BWEC, AP, India. 2. By interfacing the GSM modem with mobile phone ,we can send text message from any remote area. 3. GSM MODEM, SIM, LCD(Liquid Crystal Display), microcontroller ,power supply and also some connecting wires are the common peripherals required for developing any GSM based applications. As the components required for the application are available at pocket friendly prices and due to their ease of accessibility enhanced GSM based applications. Block diagram of GSM based wireless e-notice board
Abstract— In this technical paper sms based wireless enotice board explains how to establish an effective and reliable communication between a mobile phone and a microcontroller using GSM modem. This GSM based e-notice board has various applications used in several domains including banks, stoke exchanges, traffic control, public advertisements, educational sector i.e., in schools and colleges etc. In all the above mentioned applications we will use a GSM MODEM, but with a little change in hardware. Along with this I will explain you how this applications are used in low time-to-market and how to upgrade the software resulting low NRE(Non recurring Engineering).This technical paper plays a prominent role in the state-of-the-art scenario to develop authentic and pocket friendly products where the real time market is relentlessly shrinking. Keywords— Bridge-rectifier, GSM, Interfacing, LCD, microcontroller, MODEM , mobile communication, software, SIM, transformer , traffic control.
References: [1 ] Artificial Intelligence-Kevin Knight, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2nd Edition. [2 ] The fundamentals of 8051 microcontroller by Kenneth J.Ayala. [3 ] [4 ] 185