Snapple hints given during lecture.
1. Understand the Snapple customer(s).
2. Product development is important. a. how does Snapple identify new products? b. how does Snapple decide how much to produce?
3. Don’t forget to read the ethnographic research in the back of the case.
Snapple Discussion Questions
This is an interesting case on how entrepreneurs can make $1.7B, how a major firm can lose $1.3B, and how a well-trained manager can be a hero. Pay particular attention to product development and a focus on customer needs. (This case is now due on Monday, October 15, which gives you an extra weekend to write up the case. A guest speaker is on Wednesday, October 10. Thus, please use these discussion questions.)
1. During the 1972-1993 period Snapple grew from a small entrepreneurial business to $674M in sales. What were the benefits that they provided to their customers (consumers and the channel of distribution)?
2. Snapple flourished in 1972-1993 period while so many start-up premium fruit drinks remained small or disappeared? How did three entrepreneurs develop the right product for their customers? Hint: 4 P’s.
3. Quaker acquired Gatorade and took sales from $100M to $1B. How? Hint: 4 P’s.
4. Quaker acquired Snapple for $1.7B and sold it to Triac for $300M? Did Quaker make error in buying Snapple, did Quaker manage it badly, or was Snapple just a fading fad? Hint: What happened to SoHo?
5. What should Triac do to bring Snapple back, or is Snapple a dead brand that should be harvested? Hint: The anthropological research helps.
6. What are the generalizable lessons we learn from the