(201110100311200) – VI H
A. Introduction
Learning English means mastery four language skills namely listening, reading, writing, and speaking. (Richard, 1990:19) states that English is a major skill for many second-language includes in the mastery of speaking skills. Moreover, the functions of speaking serve to establish and maintain social relations, and the transactional functions, which focus on the exchange of information (Richard, 2008: ..... ).
In the context of speaking, it tends to be getting something done, exploring ideas, and sharing some information. Based on the research from Khayati (2011), she stated that speaking is the most important skill to master. It involves producing, receiving, and processing information. Unfortunately, students as a learner of English still had problems in speaking skill. Many students still feel that speaking is harder than reading, writing, or listening. The first problem is they feel shy to speak up. Second is lack of vocabulary and the last is the atmosphere of class which is not interesting for them. Therefore, the effective and interesting technique is needed to increase students’ ability in speaking.
In order to avoid all of problems above, one kinds of cooperative learning that can be used is snowball throwing or snowball fighting. Snowball means ball that is making by snow but in teaching learning process, it is making by a paper or a worksheet.
As a teacher, in the first time they do not care about that. The important thing is that students can speak English fluently. Then, the other components will follow them easily. In order to avoid all of the problems above, teacher should apply strategies for help them. One of the strategies that will discuss in this article is using snowball throwing to make students understand and feel confidence to speak English.
One kind of cooperative learning that teacher can use in learning process is