Angelia Smith
SOC 312
Leslie Ruff
November 1, 2014
After graduating from Ashford University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Child Development; , I am hoping to obtain a job working in the Public school system alongside the Pre-k teachers in implementing programs for Pre-k or become an owner of a childcare center. The nature of families and children in relation to society is important for my profession because in order to help improve the childcare center. I also hope to develop programs for Pre-k that children and their families will benefit from. I first need to know how the child’s family has a big impact on the child’s life and their ability to function in society. Not knowing anything about the child’s background, I feel like I won’t be able to do my job as best to my ability and give the child the appropriate guidance that they need to be successful. Every child is different and part of that comes from their family and home environment. This is what makes them unique and they bring that uniqueness to the classroom. Before we can try to understand the child we first need to understand the child as a whole, their background and family life.
The knowledge that I have of the theories of socialization will impact my work in my future profession. This is because of the fact I will know what works and what’s best for the child and what doesn’t work. From experience I know that every child is different so what may work for one child won’t necessarily work for another child. Child’s have different temperament some kids are outgoing and outspoken while others are quiet and shy. The ones that are quiet and shy; I’ve learned you have to work harder at providing opportunities for them to work with other children. . By knowing the theories of socialization, I know what the family’s role is in socializing. The child and I know what my role as a teacher is in socializing the child. I also know what signs to look out for such