Wages and salaries are provided to the employees for their service or contribution to the job and organizations. Organizations also pay dearness allowance to take care of the decline in purchasing power of the employee due to rise in cost of living.
Similarly, a number of other allowances are provided to the employee. Further organizations also provide various fringe benefits to enhance the living standards of the employees. Despite all these allowances and benefits, employees feel that their wages are low, allowances are inadequate and fringe benefits are insufficient. They feel that the employers enjoy the increased profit and that they are being exploited by the employer. Consequently they agitate for hike in wages, allowances and benefits so as to improve their living standards. But a few employees in most of the organizations realize that all their demands cannot be met by their organization alone. Hence, they depend either on some other organizations for part-time job, part-time business or take up a business or start an industrial unit in order to earn more money and become much stronger financially. This type of activity i.e. taking up another part-time job or business or industrial unit simultaneously with that of the original job is known as