
Social Facts, Social Actions and Historical Materialism: a Theoretical Comparison

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Social Facts, Social Actions and Historical Materialism: a Theoretical Comparison

In the first part of this essay, I will locate the three thinkers in the broader historical and epistemological context of their times. I shall present the main concepts of their theories and their methodologies. Then in an attempt of comparison, I will spot similarities and differences between them and summarize the sociological research strategies, which are coming from their ideas. In the concluding part of this essay, I will argue that Social Facts and actions are useful conceptions for the study of social phenomena, but Historical Materialism, provides a far more robust method of analysis. Identifying the causes of social phenomena in the material grounds of the process of production and class antagonism, Marx offers a rigorous scientific method for the understanding of social relations and their workings at large.

Historical context

The 19th century is the age of Darwin and the theory of evolution (Berger, 2006). Combined with the unfolding of internal socioeconomical powers, through the division of labor of the complex industrialized world (Szirmai, 2005), Europe enters modernity by creating a linear progressive time metaphor (Osborne, P. 1995, p.xii). It celebrates it’s emergent position in the world and propagates optimism for the future. But, although, the industrial revolution starts in the early nineteenth century, fifty years later the leading British economy is not fully transformed yet (Hobsbawm, E. 1999, p.98). In France, the revolution of the Jacobins provides the political context (Fehér, F. 1990, p.3) but it‘s only by 1870 when a political regime manages to stabilize and Germany is a new state that never went through a revolution. As Giddens points out, this is the historical context within which sociology is formed (Giddens, A. 1971, p.xii-xiii). Sociology is adopting the evolutionary and the structural functionalist models. Durkheim is concerned with the problem of Social cohesion. Being a Socialist reformist himself

References: Berger, S., 2006, A companion to nineteenth-century Europe: 1789-1914, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK. Berthold-Bond, D. 1993, Hegel 's Grand Synthesis: A Study of Being, Thought, and History, New York: Harper. Durkheim, E. 1982, The Rules of Sociological Method and Selected Texts on Sociology and its Method (edited with an introduction by Steven Lukes, translated by W.D. Halls). Basingstoke: Macmillan Durkheim, E Engels, F. 2010, Anti-Dühring - Herr Eugen Dühring 's Revolution in Science, 1877,, Fehér, F Gewirth, A. 1978, Reason and Morality, The University of Chicago Press Ltd. London Giddens, A Guardian, 2010/10/14, Chilean miners rescue: Newspaper front pages from around the world Hamilton, P. 1991, Max Weber: critical assessments, Rutledge, London Hobsbawm, E Hodgson, G.M. 2007, Journal of Economic Methodology, 14(2), June, pp. 211-26 Hodson, R., Sullivan T Hughes, J.A. & Sharrock, Wes W. & Martin P. J., 2003, Understanding Classical Sociology: Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Sage Publications, London Jones, R Kathimerini newspaper, 2010/8/4, Rate of suicides has ‘doubled’, Marx, K Bottomore, T.B. (ed.), 1983, A Dictionary of Marxist Thought, Oxford University Press : Oxford, UK Marx, K Marx, K. 1894, Capital, vol, Three. (trans. Delaney, T and Griffin M., 1996), 1999 Marx, K Marx, K. 1992, Early Writings, (EDS) Livingstone, R. Benton, G. and Colletti, L. New Left Review : Penguin, New York, NY Marx, K Lincoln, R. J. & Guillot, D. 2004, Durkheim and Organizational Culture, Working Paper Series, Institute for Research on Labor and Employment, UC Berkeley Lukes, S Lukacs, G. 1968, History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA Osborne, P Pike, E. J. 1999, From Aristotle to Marx: Aristotelianism in Marxist Social Ontology, Aldershot, Hants, England ; Brookfield, Vt., Ashgate Rosen, M Thompson, K. introduction, 2004, in Thompson, K. (Eds,), 2004, Readings from Emile Durkheim, Revised Edition, Routledge, New York, NY Thompson K., 1982, Emile Durkheim, Tavistock pub Weber, M. 1994, Definition of sociology, in Sociological Writings: Max Weber, Continuum, trans., Weber, M Weber, M. 1949, on the methodology of the social sciences, Glencoe, Ill. : Free Press, digitized in, Weber, M Wetherly, P., Marxism Liberalism and State Theory, 2000, in Cowling, M. & P. Reynolds, P., (Eds,), 2000, Marxism, the Millennium and Beyond, Basingstoke : Palgrave, New York, NY Willer, J

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