July 9, 2014
Shannon Winters
Social Impact Survey and Results
Globalization refers to the integration of political polices, world cultures, social movements and financial markets on a global scale through the collaboration and exchange of ideas (Schaefer, 2006). The survey focuses on how globalization affects the study participants in work roles, cultures, the environment, and the economy. The research administrators proctor the survey to adult participants only. For the purposes of this survey the research team defines an adults as an individual of 18 years of age or older at the beginning of the survey.
Globalization Survey
The survey administrator conducted the survey by soliciting family member, co-workers, and friends meeting the participant criteria. The survey began with verifying each participant meets the age requirement and then proceeded to reading the University of Phoenix disclaimer and consent form. The total number of survey participants included 20 individuals. The age and gender ranges of the participants included 12 men and eight women aged 21 to 52 years of age. The following information represent the survey questions presented to the participants.
1. What is your age?
Total Responses to this Question: 20
2. Has globalization affected your personal relationships?
Yes =1 Somewhat= 2 No= 6
Total Responses to this Question: 20
3. Have globalization affect your job?
Yes =1 Somewhat= 2 No= 6
Total Responses to this Question: 18
4. Does globalization affect your social status?
Yes =1 Somewhat= 2 No= 6
Total Responses to this Question: 20
5. Does globalization affect your identification within social groups?
Yes =1 Somewhat= 2 No= 6
Total Responses to this Question: 12
6. How does globalization Impact the economy?
No Impact=1 Moderate Impact=2 Large Impact=3
Total Responses to this Question: 20
7. Among your personal political beliefs, how important are your feelings on