One of the limitations I came across while running this study is the way it was measured because the data is self reported
One of the limitations I came across while running this study is the way it was measured because the data is self reported
Comment on the sampling used to gather subjects, as well as on the reliability and validity of the study.…
So many people take social conformity for granted that not many bother to find out why it is such a powerful phenomenon and why so many people submit to this force without any resistance.…
To be born a unique being, one with the freedom of will, one with the ability to form independent beliefs and mindsets- to be human. The most honored of all creation, yet the most rebellious. As human life is deprecated in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, the human life is equated to nothing more than the dirt from which it came. Huxley parallels himself, an aristocratic pedigree, to the upper class inhabitants of the brave new world that sought the meaning of human life above the accepted pretense of society. Aldous Huxley depicts the social isolation of the upper class through over-intellectual characters that see beyond the superficiality of society, thus magnifying the importance of remaining true to oneself in the midst of conformity.…
This investigation was set in order to study the rates of conformity when a group norm was presented to the subject and, more specifically to distinguish if the participant’s opinions would change when they were exposed to a majorities’ judgement. The experiment took place as a field experiment in which participants (20 college students) were selected from their own environment. The end results obtained from the experiment showed that conformity existed as the mean for those who were presented with the factitious sheet estimations were drastically higher (142.2) than that of those who received the blank sheet (mean of 86.6).…
Conformity and social influence is something that happens all over the world. People conform for all types of reasons, ranging from religion to the color or style of someone else’s hair. Social influence also plays a big part in conformity. Being socially influenced to wear a certain type of clothing can cause people to conform and completely change how they think or act. In this essay I will talk about social influences, conformity, and the ways that they can cause behavioral changes.…
It is an expected idea of how to behave in the outside world. Norms influence the behaviors of group members. The desire to be accepted make some susceptible to conformity. (Chambliss, William J.., and Daina S. Eglitis. Discover Sociology.…
At a very early age, we were taught to be boys or girls by various gender socialization agents. Because of the emphasis of these socialization agents, we can hardly change the images of boys and girls, or men and women. When a baby is born, parents would dress the baby in blue if it is a boy or in pink if it is a girl. At school, teachers may ask boys to do heavy works and girls to do something easy. However, the most powerful gender socialization agent is the mass media. The images of boys and girls, or men and women, presented by the mass media are distinct, and they have had a great effect on the development of our gender roles.…
Social conformity can destroy your health in many ways. It can suppress the immune system and cause stress, lead to depression, cause emotional deprivation, prevent you from making healthy decisions, and lead to you doing thoughtless, dangerous acts. Although there are only five here, there are more physical and emotional consequences of conforming to group expectations due to fear and disapproval. Conforming to a group that’s against or unsure of your beliefs and values you believe in just because you want to fit in automatically creates anxiety because you are trying to be and think like someone you are not. Social conformity also increases your chance of not making healthy decisions. Like when you are at a party and there’s alcohol. You…
Kowalski, Robin and Western, Drew. (2009). Psychology. 5th Ed. Chp. 10, 12, and 13. John…
Humans are often hindered by society's expectations to the point where reaching our creative potential is nearly impossible. Conforming to society does not prove anything about character, and in Emersons words “Your conformity explains nothing. Act singly, and what you have already done singly will justify you now” (Emerson). Conforming to a group leaves people mimicking one another. Acting singly will take a person farther in society than just going along with the crowd. When big figures are present a person's inner voice stops contributing because others are doing the talking. Questioning the influential and powerful people may cause a disturbance in the status quo, but elevating ones voice to a higher level stands out and is necessary…
Everyone conforms in society at some point. John F. Kennedy claimed, “Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.” When it comes to the topic of conformity, most of us will readily agree that individuality changes the world. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of is conformity that bad? While some are convinced that conformity is great for the world, others believe that conformity is the death of us. I tend to fall on the side where conformity is the death of us, because without individuality we would not have a great deal of the advances in technology.…
1) Do you think conformity with norms in general is a good or bad thing? Why? Conformity can come in useful when we are in unfamiliar surroundings or activities. Everyone has done it in some way or another throughout their life and it really can come in handy with unknown situations. I would say it can be good and bad, if there is a social norm that is meant to keep order and peace, then conforming to this standard can be considered good.…
Conformity is a form of social influence that involves you to change your beliefs to fit in with a group. This change is due to the physical presence of the group members, or imagined group pressure that involves the pressures of social norms. In the public services compliance with common practices is following a particular course of action which is the social norm. It can be seen when the police are dealing with suspects as the suspect is innocent until proven guilty and the law should not be taken upon in one person’s hands. Social Norms can be as common as being polite by saying sorry in certain situations.…
Not Only does Society not require conformity, it goes as far as to encourage individualism. Many instances provide proof that this statement is a reality. Throughout history, science, our modern world, etc. we see examples of distinctiveness benefiting the individual. How else do unique personas such as Michael Jackson and Paris Hilton thrive in our world? Yet even if individualism does not thrive in fortune or fame, it is now accepted as a part of our society.…
Conformity is everywhere we look at home, at school, on billboards, and practically anywhere else. For example at school peer pressure is a common way teens all around the world tend to conform. We humans are "these sleepwalkers who follow their leaders and do what they are told, sometimes without any question" (KatieKehl). This is true because at school we tend to look at the "popular" kids, who tend to have everything you want and you start to dress and behave like them.…