Mrs. Lutes
English 2
2 February 2014
Immigration in the United States
Over 500 immigrants die every year trying to get across the US border. Whether its from harsh weather or people who try to protect the border who just shoot them it is not right, all they are trying to do is have a better life. If the richer countries helped out the poorer ones once in a while maybe we wouldn't have such an issue with immigration.
USCIS bases their decisions on the future of foreigners as well as the US citizens.
(“US Citizenship…”) Getting a green card is the first step to becoming a US citizen. (“US
Citizenship..”) If you have family members in the US it will be an easier and faster process to get your green card. Once you have a green card you are checked on by the government every so often so they can see if you have broken any major laws since you have been in the
US. If you have then you will be deported. (“US Citizenship…”) If you are born in the US, you are considered an US Citizen. There are many cases where children are legal but their parents are not. This happens because the parents illegally cross the border, people do this so they can have a better life for their children.
Many Mexican immigrants risk their lives trying to get across the border to the
United States. (“Illegal Immigration…”) The people who come from Mexico travel across open desert and through the pacific ocean to get here. (“Illegal Immigration…”) Hundreds die each year due to exposure of heat. They try to leave their country so they could have better job
opportunities. Another way they get across is by washing up on shores, wading across waters or climbing fences. (“Illegal Immigration…”) People often end up in a place they do not know because they do not know where they are going. (“Economic Impact…”) If they do make it across the border they are killed because they refuse to stop. (Shepperson 20) There are people who do not work for the government who decided that they would go protect our border on their own, these people are the cause of a majority of deaths of the immigrants coming across the border.
For many people, immigrating involves a chance to improve their lives and opportunities. (“Illegal Immigration…”) The US population increases each year due to people migrating over. The people who come to America are usually from poorer countries.
(Shepperd 51) Parents try to do whats best for their children which might involve breaking the law to get over a border. To make things easier, you can get a green card through your job.
But you have to invest money into a business that will help create US jobs. (“US
Citizenship…”) You have to be skillful to come to the US so you could benefit America
(“Economic Impact…”) When you are handy, you and your family will be able to come live in the US but you will not be guaranteed to become a US citizen.
Thousands of immigrants in the US were brought over for jobs and slavery.
(“Illegal Immigration…”) The Mexican Immigrants were hired and brought to America because they were cheaper than US citizens. (“Illegal Immigration…”) Most of the immigrants do agriculture work or work as nannies. (“American Citizenship…”) Even though they were allowed to work here in the US, a lot of the immigrants were not able to become actual US citizens. (“American Citizenship…”) People who have special skills were allowed to come to the US with their family because they could benefit us. (Shepperson 48) Although they were allowed to be here they became known as lower class citizens in what had been their own
country. (“American Citizenship…”) Even when they are looked down upon, Obamacare treats them better than Americans. (“Center for Immigration…”)
Today immigration is at its peak, with millions of illegal immigrants living in the
US. (“US Citizenship..”) In the 1800s more than 15 million immigrants came to America looking to help shape its culture. (“American Citizenship…”) Immigration started in the US because of the English citizens wanting to be free of kings and queens. When the US was discovered, many pilgrims/immigrants came to settle. Everyone in the US is a descendent of an immigrant with the exception of native americans who were here when america was discovered. (“Economic Impact…”) Hispanic Americans are the fastest growing ethnic group today. (“United States Immigration…”) In 2000, 25% of Californias population was Mexican
American. (“Economic Impact…”) If immigration continues at the pace it is as of now, we would double the population by 2100. (“Center for Immigration…”)
Having the richer countries help out the not so rich ones would help out with way more issues other than immigration. I think that the government should lock down on the unofficial people going around killing immigrants while they cross the border.