The economy is driven predominantly by agriculture along with tourism and some manufacturing. The small population per square mile lends itself well to agriculture, providing an excess of free land to grow crops or raise livestock. The county of Allegany is one of the largest producers of Fraser Firs in North Carolina and is home to Bottomley Farms and Evergreens, one of the largest farming operations in western North Caroline, both of which contribute greatly to the economy. In addition to agriculture, tourism is an important part of the town …show more content…
With an already small population and the high percentage of that population being over the age of 65, there is little to do for younger adults and children. The workforce being small and past retirement age creates little opportunity for business who might be seeking a new home and this is certainly the reality, as there are few jobs available. The jobs that are available typically require an unskilled workforce which further limits the job market for those with a college degree. Due to the poor job market, young adults that grew up in Sparta have little reason to return, thus widening the age gap and dampening the progress of the town. While Sparta certainly has if faults, it is my home town and has a special place in my