The opportunity for participation in the social media by amateur members of the public society are expanding on a daily basis leading to disasters due to generative information. Social media resources are allowing back channeling, a means of unofficial communication, and fakes to take over, and despite the concerns of many people, disasters occur ever day.
People look for an immediate response to act quickly and fix a problem as soon as possible, but they do not think about the consequences. Naturally they look into the Internet and settle for the first media community that they see having a conversation about the topic they are interested in, but never do they consider that the conversations they are reading are from unaccredited people that are not well informed and are only giving information as they personally see it. And even worst, when wanting to deal with a medical situation people want to find an immediate response and they decide to Google the answer and they follow the advice of people who may not have any idea about the topic they are talking about, which leads to some kind of disaster.
In addition, our society values the information of the social media so highly that they have become very bad at detecting “crap” and they believe the first things they read from any site without knowing if they are credible or not. As a result, people are scammed, others’ health goes into critical condition, and others make false assumptions. Similarly, Howard Rheingold in “Crap Detection 101”, points out the issue of misinformation via social media that makes him “fear for the future”. Unfortunately, a huge number of people have now began to rely on the web for important information that they should be relying on professionals to answer and “the lack of general education in critical consumption of information found online is turning into a public danger”. Also some people hate going to official