The focus of this research study is the influence of social media on mental health and psychosocial development. Media multitasking, usually with social media, has been linked to higher rates of depression, anxiety and overall decline in mental health. This study will evaluate current research theories and findings about the effects of social media on cognitive and psychosocial functioning. The goal is to determine if the pervasive culture of social media could be a contributing factor to increasing rates of depression, anxiety, and impaired psychosocial development, especially in the adolescent population.
Background of The topic:
Social media sites have grown exponentially in recent years. Participation in these …show more content…
Several different factors may influence this trend, but the recent explosion of social media may play an important role. Depression and social anxiety have both been associated with media usage and attentional control. How does predominant use of social media affect cognitive and social development in the youth and adolescent population? How does it affect psychosocial behavior and interpersonal relationships in adults? Could increased use of social media be a risk factor for developing depression and social anxiety? Are the amount of time spent or type of media used important factors in its influence on mental health? The evident shift in how people engage with media and online social platforms is important in understanding the relationship between media use and mental …show more content…
First, the study relies on research data determined by the results of others. The explosion of social media has only emerged in recent decades so studies may be limited. Also, the effects of social media on psychosocial development will be most evident in children and adolescents since adults, depending on their age, have developed most of their cognitive processes and social behaviors prior to the age of social media. Because psychological disorders can’t be scientifically measured, most studies will rely on participants’ self-reports and observations of behavior and symptoms to draw research conclusions. Genetics, natural temperament age, race, gender and other factors, as well as life circumstances greatly influence the risk of a person developing depression, anxiety, and other psychological disorders, so results may vary. Conclusions must be drawn from reputable sources and take the variables of each study into