Imagine giving a message to all of the Superbowl audience, which is roughly 150 million people. Multiply that by about 47 and you have the potential audience of every Facebook status, tweet, and blog. When we think about how affective that actually is, we can kind of get an idea of how we should handle them. There are many rules and guidelines to posting on any social media sites, and we should be completely aware of them. I believe some of these rules are as followed:
* Do not post any personal information. * Do not post any frontal or rear nudity. * Do not threaten to harm anyone/thing. * Do not post graphic content or content that is created for the purpose of sadistic pleasure. * Do not engage in or promote any bullying/harassment.
When we log into Facebook and see that little message asking us what is on our minds, we tend to express just exactly that. I personally do not see anything wrong with that, but it would be ignorant of myself to believe that posting anything without considering who will see it, how they will feel about it, or if it will even matter to them.
We as human beings are naturally private. We tend to keep our secrets or unmentionables out of the public eye. If you wouldn’t walk around naked in time square, or you wouldn’t go out giving people on the street your full name, address, and phone number, then why would you post naked pictures or this information on social media websites? Nude photos circulate, and before you know it, you can find yourself in all your glory on a random website pop-up. No one wants that to happen. This is why not getting too “personal” on social media websites is a bad idea.
Threatening someone can become catastrophic pretty much no matter where it happens. It’s pretty obvious that threatening someone over the Internet is completely, for lack of a better word, stupid. It gets you nowhere and all you can end up doing is causing unwanted
References: Strom, P., Strom, R., Walker, J., Tricia Sindel-Arrington, & Beckert, T. (2011). Adolescent bullies on cyber island. National Association of Secondary School Principals.NASSP Bulletin, 95(3), 195-211. Retrieved from