Obesity is the condition of being grossly fat or as others say overweight, according to to online resources. California is rated 59.7% with obesity. Obesity brings in both personal and societal problems to one. Some one with obesity can face many situations where you can definitely feel uncomfortable with yourself and embarssed to the social world. To start off on the personal problems caused by obesity I would say the biggest problem would be being unhappy with yourself and your own body. Many people with obesity face the problem of not being able to love themselves and have self concerns. Low self esteem is huge when it comes to this. Studies
show that depression is also a cause or a sign of a self problem within obesity. Last but not least the social problems obesity people face on a daily. The main one has to be judgmental people. People with obesity will someday face the judgmental comments either online, person, or even through text. This brings people down so bad and it's a huge problem. Considering that there is a rate of suicidal attempts.
What I've learned about these two social and personal problems is that obesity should definitely be fixed. Obesity is not a joke and people can get really hurt from it. Both online and with each self. It can be a serious problem.