Androgyny- combination of traditional feminine and masculine characteristics
Compulsory heterosexuality- System that has disapproval for those who are homosexual or bisexual because they break a norm
Capitalist Patriarchy-Male supremacy keeps women’s in subordinate( lower) roles at work/home
Feminist Approach- view that believes women and men should be equal
Gender- cultural and social definition of feminine and masculine
Gender Institutions- all social institutions organized by gender
Gender Structure Approach- men and women differ because of external features
Gender Segregation- Men and women situated in different jobs
Gender Stratification-different ranking and rewards of men and women’s roles
Glass Ceiling-invisible barrier, limiting women from moving up in their occupation
Gendered- difference in men and women’s behaviors, activities, and value
Gender Roles Approach- men and women differ because of society, assumption is they learn to be different
Male Dominance- belief that men are better than women, and that men control socially valued resources
Pay Equity- raising pay based on worth of jobs, instead of workers personal characteristics
Patriarchy-social organization where men are dominant to women
Sex-Biological fact of females and males
Sexuality- organizes social world based on sexual identity
Gender identity- what a male or female views themselves as
Division of labor by sex
Men- participation is decreasing
Women-participation in labor force increases faster, remains constant
Gender inequality in workplace-
Women choose to have children
Education and experience
gender gap-work earnings- women earn less than men, gap has narrowed to between 70 and 74 percent earnings compared to men white-80% of what men make black-89% Hispanic-89%
Women have lower paying jobs
Enter work force at different a lower levels
Women as a group are less educated then men
Women work less overtime
Patriarchy- Social