You must have come across public message such as
'Say No to Drugs', 'Drugs Kill', 'Never Even Try Once'. Drug addiction is a major problem in today's world.
Illegal drugs industry has been estimated to be the second largest industry in the world.
Drugs destroy human beings, families and societies.
Drug addiction no longer remains as isolated problem.
After the emergence of HIV/AIDS as a major public health crisis, drug addiction is seen as compounding the AIDS problem. The question is how. Are drug addicts more vulnerable to AIDS?
What is the relationship between drugs and HIV infection?
In this unit, we will discuss the relationship between drug addiction and HIV/AIDS. We can deal with this problem by spreading information and motivating the youth.
After reading this unit, you should be able to:
Explain how drug addiction can transmit HIV infection through:
a) Injecting drugs
b) Sexual intercourse
c) Blood transfusion
Describe the drugs that cause addiction and their relation with HIV transmission.
What is a drug? It is a chemical substance, which produces distinct physical and/ or psychological effects. Usually, physicians prescribe it for treatment purposes.
Many drugs become a habit and cause addiction through their effect on brain and nervous system. The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines drug addiction as the state of periodic and chronic intoxication produced by the repeated consumption of a drug (natural or synthetic). Such a drug causes: an overpowering desire or need (compulsion) to continue taking the drug and obtain it by any means; an inclination to increase the dose; a psychological or physical dependence on the effects of the drug; and finally, detrimental effects on the individual and society.
Like the majority of other mental-health problems, drug abuse and addiction have no single cause. However, there are