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Факультет Менеджмента
Эссе по социальной психологии на тему:
“Social stereotypes in the modern society”.
Студентка 121 группы
Волкова Екатерина Павловна
Москва 2013
Social stereotyping has become a widespread phenomenon nowadays. This topic has been actively investigated in social psychology and it is still one of the most controversial issues in this science as there are many opposite points of view on the process of stereotyping.
In our trivial understanding stereotypes are negative phenomena and we should escape them but this is just mundane awareness, which has no common with scientific vision of it. In fact, avoidance of different stereotypes is impossible because they are natural for human beings. They surround us everywhere in our life and sometimes we can be unconscious that we are under their influence. One more thing is that stereotypes are confused with prejudice. It is a common but serious mistake because there is а vital difference between them. The former should be considered, as psychological phenomenon that can be both positive and negative while prejudice is an adverse one by its nature.
This essay is about the mechanisms of stereotyping, their place in our life, how they manifest in modern society and their importance for us.
1. Social stereotyping within Social Psychology.
Social stereotypes- simplified schematized images of social objects that are shared by most of members of social groups. The first man who used this definition was Walter Lippmann. He submitted his work “Public Opinion” in 1922 where he describes stereotypes as “pictures in our heads”. Lippmann thought that these “pictures” were inevitable and made the process of perception easier but also were the foundation of social misunderstanding and intension. “For the most part we