This test is a version of my Chapter 4: Early Civilizations of the Eastern Hemisphere (World History) exam. “Version 2” is considered the advanced version for my students who excel in Social Studies, and need to be challenged a little more. This version has an additional matching section.
I feel like this Social Studies test I have created is a good fit for my Special Needs students. It features various styles including multiple choice, fill-in-the-blanks, and true or false. The matching section is not included in “Version 1”, (the exam for my struggling students.) The only section not included in my test is an open-response section, which I feel is too difficult for students with Special Needs who struggle with their writing. I even included a map to reinforce and analyze my students; geography skills.
When I administer this test to my students, I make sure to read each question with the possible answers twice. This ensures that all students have an equal opportunity to get a good score, no matter what the reading level or disability.
Assessment & Evaluation
I feel as if getting rid of the New York State Social Studies exam was both good and bad at the same time. While it took pressure off of us as Social Studies educators, I feel as if we are no longer valued anymore. Social Studies is no longer viewed as an important subject to other educators since it is not tested. This is very frustrating as a Social Studies teacher in a Middle School setting.
Evaluation and assessment as a whole, I believe, need to be catered to address a student’s strengths, not their deficits. What I mean is that students who cannot read, but have strong comprehension of Social Studies material, should have tests written in such a way that they can understand the question. Another option is reading the test to the student/s. Since my students are in sixth grade with an average reading level of third grade, I always