Name: Andrea Dávila
Date: 9-12-13
Topic: Socialismo del Siglo XXI – Comparing development models among Ecuador, Bolivia and Venezuela.
The socialism of the XXI century has certainly new guidelines on policy development, which will be presented in this trial, and further comprise comparing the developmental models Ecuador, Bolivia and Venezuela. And as these represented a change for Latin America especially because it has generated a regional integration, which seeks to optimize a model of development at the region with clear objectives such as eliminating social gaps, reducing poverty, increasing trade, etc. So the bottom line is: to establish certain the twenty-first century socialism is and why their welcome especially in the aforementioned countries. Heinz Dieterich is the author that defines the S.XXI socialism, he does not give an specific definition but speaks of a proposed " revolutionary socialism " which Marxist theory inherits sustained in four pillars that will launch this revolutionary process first an regional democratic development, the second an economy of equivalence , third party a participatory democracy (fundamental as this differs from the exclusion of capitalism and make inclusion and civic participation) , fourth roots organizations . So that socialism would come to assume that " a radical strengthening of state power democratically controlled by the company to further develop necessary" (Dieterich in Chavez, 2007) , by filing this power in nationalization but in the quest to have a democracy real, why Dieterich talks about a combination of socialism with liberal democratic capital which would be ideal both socially and in the commercial field. (Something like create or find balance and live in a more just world)
"The human race has gone through two major pathways of evolution that had at its disposal: capitalism and the (actually existing) historical socialism. Neither has managed to solve the pressing problems of
Bibliography: Samin, A. (2009). El socialismo del Siglo XXI. Reconstruir la perspectiva Socialista. Madrid, España. Recuperado el 11 de Noviembre del 2013 de Dieterich, H. (1999). Hugo Chávez: con Bolívar y el pueblo. P.p. 119. Dieterich, H. (2001). Hugo Chávez: un nuevo proyecto latinoamericano. P.p. 115. Harnecker, M. (1999). Haciendo posible lo imposible: la izquierda en el umbral del siglo XXI. Recuperado el 11 de Noviembre del 2013 de Chávez, H y Bilbao, L. (2002). Chávez y la Revolución Bolivariana. Recuperado el 11 de Noviembre del 2013 de Chávez, H. (2007). el Socialismo del Siglo XXI. Heinz Dieterich Steffan. Recuperado de Parker, Dick. (2007). El desarrollo endógeno: ¿Camino al socialismo del siglo XXI?. Revista Venezolana de Economía y Ciencias Sociales, Mayo-Agosto, 59-86. Recuperada de Plan Nacional de Desarrollo “Buen Vivir”. Recuperado de Plan Nacional de Desarrollo. “Bolivia, digna, soberana productiva y democrática para vivir bien”. Recuperado de