Does society create criminals? “Society prepares the crime; the criminal commits it.” In some respect I believe that the most prominent feature running through all reasons behind this crime is “society”. It is responsible for the way that people view crime. Many people see crime as glamorized in society and this compels them to commit it.
Generally people are born sweet and innocent and are not automatically wired to commit crimes, or exhibit unacceptable behavior. It is Society and Undesirable Circumstances that create criminals. The main factor that causes crime is “society”. For example, if a convict after spending a long term in prison wants to settle down in a normal way in society, the society looks at him as an untouchable. They are socially abandoned. This causes him to naturally go back to his criminal position. Is it his fault if he wants a new beginning? Or is it the society, that does not let him change?
For example take a needy citizen who needs to fill his stomach he has no job or no way to earn a living so he becomes desperate and desperate people do desperate things and when he feels no one bothers about him he also stops bothering about people and with no hope in sight the drastic and possible illegal measures become an option.
One of the major reasons is poverty. Poverty is often the cause of crimes such as theft, muggings, shoplifting, robberies etc. I am not trying to tell that all poor people are criminals but nearly all criminals are poor if I had to feed a family so the so the easiest way would be robbing things or doing thefts for someone else and then sharing the profit or selling drugs. The degree of poverty often goes hand in hand with the amount of crimes committed. Money is often controlled by violent mob-type organizations and gangs who capitalize on the poverty of others. Children have few role models to look up to.
A lot of people consider crime as an option as the think of making their lifestyles easier and also want