Different sociological theories have different perspectives in terms of explaining ethnic inequalities in modern Britain. For example functionalists would argue that ethnic inequalities have a purpose and are functional for society. In contrast to functionalists, Marxists would argue ethnic inequalities benefit the bourgeoisie (ruling class), whereas Postmodernists reject the traditional sociological explanations because modern Britain is becoming increasingly characterised by uncertainty and diversity. This is reflected in the statistics. The population has changed since 1993. Ethnic minorities accounted for 5.1% in modern Britain, the latest figure is 8.1%, demonstrating an increase in ethnic minorities immigrating to the UK.
Functionalism is a traditional, structural theory which concerns itself with explaining how different inequalities in society work together, similar to which organs in a body work together. This is called the organic analogy. According to functionalist, inequalities are beneficial to society as they create hierarchy and order, which is essential for society according to Parsons. Plus a stable society is based on shared norms and values, and when migrants come to a country they will eventually be assimilated, a process by which members of an ethnic minority group lose cultural characteristics and take on their host’s culture, and by doing so inequalities will lessen. However Solomon and Black argue assimilation does not lead to a decline in inequalities, likewise Hall argued the immigrant host model reinforced racism and inequalities as the host country defines minority ethnic groups as the problem and ignores structural inequalities. Where Patterson, like functionalists, share a similar view, adding that any racism from the dominant group was a result of ignorance and confusion.
Marxists on the other hand argue that class is the most significant factor in