In this unit we explore the subject of a Caribbean identity. There are those who think that the Caribbean is too diverse a region for there to be a single Caribbean culture. Proponents of the view that there is a Caribbean culture based their arguments on our shared historical past as well as the number of social institutions that we share as a region. Both sides of the discussion will be explored.
The socially constructed concepts of race, ethnicity and colour, which strongly influence culture and identity, will also be explored in the quest to highlight the issues surrounding the topic. In addition,
The contemporary Caribbean is part of a global world. Globalization has impacted the Caribbean in many different ways. The impact of globalization on culture is done through the process of trans-culturation. This happens as a result of the cultural interaction of various groups. This, along with our constant battle for space (Nettleford) has resulted in many social problems that affect our quest for a Caribbean identity. Structure
Session 1: Race, Class and Identity in the construction of a Caribbean identity
Session 2: Problems and Challenges of Caribbean Identity in the contemporary period
Session 3: Education and Sustainable Development in Caribbean Cultural Identity
Learning Objectives
After completing this unit you will be able to:
1. Define and explain the concepts of race, colour and identity using a Caribbean perspective
2. Outline the relationship between race and identity
3. Discuss the difficulties involved in the quest for a Caribbean identity
4. Discuss the issues affecting the formation of a Caribbean identity in the contemporary period
5. Identify post-modern trends, changes and their effects on a Caribbean identity
Session 2.1: Race, Class and Identity
The concepts of race and identity are socially constructed. The meaning of both
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