Study Guide
Know sequence of steps in research process:
Step 1: Select a Topic
Step 2: Defining the Problem
Step 3: Reviewing the Literature
Step 4: Formulating a Hypothesis
Step 5: Choosing a Research Method/Design
Step 6: Collecting the Data
Step 7: Analyzing the Results
Step 8: Sharing the Results (Replicating)
Hypothesis – A statement of how variables are expected to be related to one another – An educated guess.
Operational definition – The way researchers measure a variable. Cantwell describes the specifics of the variable. Such as smokers, what do they smoke?
Research method/design and know the different designs – There are 7 different designs to choose from.
1. Survey – Collection of Data by having people answer a series of questions.
2. Participant Observation – Research setting and Observing Setting. 3. Case Study – Analysis of a single event. 4. Secondary Analysis – Analysis of data that has been collected by other researchers. 5. Documents – Recorded Sources. 6. Experiments – Use of control and experimental groups, and independent and dependent variables that will test causation. 7. Unobstructed Measures – Ways of observing people so that they do not know they are being observed and studied.
Reliability – Apart of step 6 of the research process, collecting the data, reliability is the extent to which research produces consistent and reliable results when replicated.
Replication - Apart of step 8 of the research process, sharing the results, it is vital to replicate the experiment performed to ensure reliability or accuracy of results. Therefore other scientist can know perform your experiment and see if they get the same results proving the accuracy of the conducted study.
Random sample – A sample in which everyone in the target population has a chance of being selected in the study.
Types of questions in a survey
1. Neutral questions – Unbiased Questions
2. Questionnaire – A list of questions to