October 14, 2013
Chapter & Readings R
Chapter 9 readings this week is about experiments. The learning objectives in this chapter are the used for experimentation, advantages and disadvantages of the experiment method, seven steps of a well-planned experiment, internal and external validity with experiment research designs, and the three types of experiment designs and the variations of each. In chapter 9 experiments is defined as the studies involving intervention by the researcher beyond that required for measurement (McGraw-Hill Company).
One of the advantages of experiments is that it comes the closest than any primary data collection to accomplish its goal. One of the foremost advantages is the ability of the researcher to manipulate the independent variable. The second advantage of the experiment is the contamination of extraneous variables being controlled way more effectively in other designs. This allows researchers to isolate the variable and evaluate the impact. The third is the convenience and cost experimentation that are superior to other methods (McGraw-Hill Company). The benefit of this is that it allows experiment opportunities in scheduling data collection and the flexibility in adjusting the variables. The disadvantages are the artificiality of the laboratory of the experimental method. Second are the samples of nonprobability can pose problems despite the random assignment.
Conducting a well-executed experiment must have a complete series of activities in order to have a successful experiment. In chapter 9 Exhibit9-1 it gives researchers seven activities that a researcher must accomplished in order to have a successful research.
Exhibit 9-1
1. Seven relevant variables.
2. Specify the treatment levels.
3. Control the experiment environment.
4. Choose the experimental design.
5. Select and assign the subjects.
6. Pilot test, revise, and test.
7. Analyze the data.
Researchers are
References: Author Donald R. Cooper, Pamela S, Schindler. 2011 McGraw-Hill Comapny