The purpose of sociometry is to facilitate group task effectiveness and satisfaction of participants by bringing about greater degrees of mutuality amongst people and greater authenticity in relationships. This method was developed by Jacob Moreno (1887-1974). Moreno noticed groups and communities function with people being attracted to or draw away from others and the subsequent networks and patterns of interaction these created. He discovered when people chose whom they interacted with, the higher level of satisfaction in being together, greater sense of belonging, achieving their purpose.
Jacob Levy Moreno coined the term sociometry and conducted the first long-range sociometric study from 1932-1938 at the New York State Training School for Girls in Hudson, New York. As part of this study, Moreno used sociometric techniques to assign residents to various residential cottages. He found that assignments on the basis of sociometry substantially reduced the number of runaways from the facility. Many more sociometric studies have been conducted since, by Moreno and others, in settings including other schools, the military, therapy groups, and business corporations. Moreno’s early long-term study within the Hudson School for girls in NY, gave profound