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Cited: Plato. The Trial and Death of Socrates. Trans. G. M. A. Grube. Ed. John M. Cooper. 3rd ed. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Pub., 2000. Print.
“Democracy provides the most just and efficient form of political rule” Asses whether Plato has shown his claim to be false.…
The Apology is one of the numerous recorded writings about Socrates. It talks about the trail of Socrates who is arrested on the charges corrupting the youth, not believing in the gods of the lord, and for being a Sophist. Socrates is not believed to have written any books; the apology was written by his student Plato who was at his trial. In this paper, I will discuss I will be talking about the charges laid against Socrates and how he defends himself.…
One of the most influential minds in western philosophy is of Plato. Plato lived from 422-347 B.C, was born into an aristocratic family in the city of Athens. He was a student of Socrates and a teacher of Aristotle. Plato followed the basic ideas of Socrates, in which no laws are to be broken despite their relevance. He makes clear why laws should be followed and why disobedience to the law is rarely justified. Plato is considered a very essential figure in the contribution of philosophy and an essential figure to western tradition. He was the prime founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning within the Western World. Plato has a range of teachings that have been used to instruct a wide spread of subjects. Some…
• 1. In the Apology, Socrates recounts how he disobeyed the unjust order of the Thirty Tyrants to arrest a fellow citizen; he also claims that he will never stop philosophizing, regardless of what the legally constituted political authority commands. Yet, in the Crito, Socrates provides numerous arguments for obeying the decision of the legally constituted political authority, even though the decision (to put Socrates to death) was unjust. Critically assess whether Socrates’s view about political obligation in the two texts is consistent.…
For these two articles that we read in Crito and Apology by Plato, we could know Socrates is an enduring person with imagination, because he presents us with a mass of contradictions: Most eloquent men, yet he never wrote a word; ugliest yet most profoundly attractive; ignorant yet wise; wrongfully convicted, yet unwilling to avoid his unjust execution. Behind these conundrums is a contradiction less often explored: Socrates is at once the most Athenian, most local, citizenly, and patriotic of philosophers; and yet the most self-regarding of Athenians. Exploring that contradiction, between ¡§Socrates the loyal Athenian citizen¡¨ and ¡§Socrates the philosophical critic of Athenian society,¡¨ will help to position Plato¡¦s Socrates in an Athenian legal and historical context; it allows us to reunite Socrates the literary character and Athens the democratic city that tried and executed him. Moreover, those help us to understand Plato¡¦s presentation of the strange legal and ethical drama.…
[ 11 ]. Pomeroy, Sarah B. "The Trial of Socrates(399 B.C.)." Ancient Greece: A Political, Social, and Cultural History. New York: Oxford UP, 1999. 360-64. Print.…
“The most intriguing people you will encounter in this life are the people who had insights about you, that you didn't know about yourself” (Alder). This quote can be used to show why the great Greek philosopher, Socrates is deemed as being so intriguing. During his time, Socrates was seen as a great threat because he tended to break free from the normal way of thinking and inevitably, people became afraid of him. Socrates was eventually put to death on account of “corrupting the youth” and being an “atheist,” which were false claims against him to cover up the fact that his accusers simply didn’t like him or his ways. When reading Plato’s Republic, Socrates is shown as being very intriguing because of: his humble ways, his Socratic method,…
He must do this regardless of the opinion of the majority or possible consequences for himself; he must act only in accordance to the opinion of the few wise, knowledgeable men who understand what is justice, and the laws of the State. Unfortunately, in all of the dialogues the author of this essay has read5, Socrates never clearly explains what ‘the laws’ really are — they remain a sort of abstraction, a divine essence of justice. However, this does not invalidate our definition of a champion of…
Ancient Athens was not truly democratic. First off, democracy is a system of government in which power is invested in the people who rule either directly or through freely elected represenative. An example of democracy; You have two treats, the dogs can pick only one treat to eat. I will let them both pick, and not only one. Democracy is equal. Ancient Athens wasn’t.…
Socrates. (2006). Trial and death. In Wikipedia [Web]. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Retrieved July 24th, 2006, from…
Part of understanding this case is understand the time in which the case was held. This time being 399 B.C., a time in which Athens was a free democratic city, a town that prided itself at the time on the fact that its citizens had much freedom, particularly freedom of speech. Socrates believed that only people who were educated should rule the people, which meant that people were not capable of government participation unless they had the proper knowledge to do so effectively.…
Democracy is a form of government where people choose leaders through elections and social construct that are based on the equality of everyone within the state. It is a form of government were majority and public opinions combine to choose leaders with respect to the social structure of a particular society, taking into consideration the social laws, rules, traditions, norms, values, and culture. Plato and Aristotle tow of the most influential figures in Greek philosophy. Both Plato and Aristotle were big critics of democracy as a poor form of government. Aristotle’s views about democracy hold that democratic office will cause corruption in the people, if the people choose to redistribute the wealth of the rich they will end up destroying the state and since the people have no knowledge about governance when they elect rulers they will err. In Plato’s thoughts on democracy were that it causes the corruption of the people through public opinion and creates rulers who do not actually know how to rule but only know how to influence the public. The main question that arises from such an observation is that do these forms of criticism hold true today? The most significant example of democracy today is that of the United States of America.…
I found Professor Samons to be a really engaging lecturer and I really enjoyed listening to what he had to say about Plato’s critique on democracy. Professor Samons begins his lecture by asking the question: why do Americans love and aggrandize democracy so much, but Plato criticizes it? This was the same question I had throughout Book Eight. It seems that our entire goal as a country is to spread democracy to the rest of the world and to find ways to make ourselves more democratic than we already are. But, why spread something that is apparently so corrupt, according to Plato?…
Much has been written about the inadequacy of the city-soul analogy in establishing what justice is, and further about how Plato fails to adequately connect his vision of justice to the conventional one and so is unable to address the original challenge. I mean to show that the city-soul analogy is in fact compelling, or at least that is it sufficiently adequate to allow us to move on to a discussion of how Platonic justice compares to conventional justice. At that point I will attempt to show that Platonic justice is relevant to the challenge posed to Socrates, and that despite objections to the contrary the Platonic and conventional views are sufficiently aligned to allow Socrates to conclude that he has shown that it is better to be just than unjust.…
Socrates’ charge against democracy was based on his fundamental belief that people are not equal. His idea of the perfect city is described as a three tiered system of rulers, guardians, and artisans; all whom know their place inside and outside of politics. The rulers create the constitution, and everyone else is expected to live by it. Discordantly, democracy is based on the ideas of equality, individuality, tolerance, and freedom.…