
Socrates And Zen Buddhism Comparison

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Socrates and Zen
The differences between Eastern and Western philosophies are very pronounced. Western mentality is generally based upon a rational, ordered system of categories that encourage the continual search for truth and knowledge through science or religion. Conversely, Eastern mentality maintains that life is a journey towards self-discovery of oneself and the unexplainable universe. However the drastic divide between Eastern and Western thoughts may not have always been so dramatic. Despite the many differences between contemporary Western and Eastern philosophy, there is a major resemblance between the beliefs and methods of Socrates, the father of Western philosophy, and the Eastern philosophy of Zen Buddhism. In Plato's
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Zen aims at achieving a particular state of mind called enlightenment. Enlightenment entails the removal of oneself from all worldly distinctions. Once enlightenment is achieved, one can experience the true meaning of existence and "oneness" with the universe. The separation of oneself from material barriers allows one to experience reality and knowledge in each and every moment. Li, or absolute truth, can be achieved during an illuminative trance of enlightenment. Li can be understood when one affirms that there are no opposites or material distinctions. However according to Zen Buddhism, Li can not form logic conclusions or be demonstrable. It cannot be adequately described with words, since it lies beyond our senses and our intellect, from which our terms and words …show more content…

Socrates made this realization with his allegory of the cave. Socrates described a cave where prisoners, who have been chained down since birth, are only able to see shadows cast on the walls of the cave by their captors. These prisoners believed that the shadows where what constituted reality. However if a prisoner is freed, that prisoner first becomes aware of the captors casting shadows behind him. Then the prisoner goes outside the cave and becomes aware of the real world. Socrates compared this prisoner's newfound knowledge of reality to an individual gaining knowledge of the Forms. The prisoner is compelled to go back to the cave and explain what true reality is to the other prisoners. However the other prisoners do not understand or appreciate this knowledge. The bound prisoners are unable to fathom a different reality and they are content with their own, limited knowledge. Consequently, even if someone understands the Forms, they will be unable translate this supreme knowledge for others to fully grasp. Therefore, the attainment of pure knowledge through the Forms or by Zen enlightenment is only understood through personal experience and is unable to benefit society as a

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