Allyson Hansen
Introduction to Philosophy
Mark Eleveld
13 March, 2013
Allyson Hansen
Mark Eleveld
Introduction to Philosophy
13 March, 2013
The Synonymy of Truths and Ideas A modern philosopher studies “the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality and existence” according to the Free Online Dictionary and many Americans. However, if you asked a philosopher to define the word ‘philosopher,’ he or she might say that a philosopher is a lover of wisdom. The word philosophy itself is derived from the Greek word φιλοσοφία, or philosophia using the English alphabet. The word philosophia translates directly to mean “love of wisdom.” Philosophers believed and continue to believe that the whole mind must be educated in every aspect. Socrates is one of the most well-known philosophers in the history of the world. His studies were based on passion; he truly did love wisdom. However, philosophy itself existed long before Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Descartes. Philosophers who studied before Socratic philosophy came about studied arché. Arché simply means “stuff.” The focus of their studies was metaphysics, or the study of the physical world. They tried to define reality by studying physical objects such as the Earth and Sun. Socrates, on the other hand, did not concern himself with metaphysics and arché; he studied ethics. Instead of studying the physical world, Socrates strived to find life’s deeper meaning. Socrates’ ideology was different than the rest of the Athenian population. Therefore, the state saw him as a threat. The Sophists, who were the first paid teachers, did not like Socrates or his inadvertent teachings; they taught relativism, or how to win an argument. Socrates was a war hero in at least three Athenian wars. Socrates believed in that which is which eternal and unchanging, such as truths, like love, beauty, justice, and virtue, and absolutism. Socrates that there was one hierarchy of values for all human beings, and