Unit 2 IP Script
Slide 1: Welcome to the strategic marketing plan for Sof-A-Logue.
Slide 2: Sof-A-Logue.com has been in the social media business for 10 years. The proposition of the company is to be the lowest cost, highest quality service provider in the industry (MKT650 Scenario, 2013). The enterprise has been successful in growing every year, with a total of five billion in sales, but overall awareness of the name Sof-A-Logue is low. The task of this plan is to increase the top-of-mind recognition of the Sof-A-Logue parent brand and determine a path forward for the company.
Slide 3: Competition in the social media arena is intense. Currently, there are thousands of companies trying to reach out to potential customers every day. Instead of being in the background, Sof-A-Logue is striving to come to the forefront of the minds of the 940 million people who interact electronically (Social Media Cool Tools, 2013)
Slide 4: The leader in social media is Facebook (Facebook, 2013). According the Social Media in Bussiness.com (2013), over 800 million people are linked together through this outlet, with over 200 million users joining since 2011. In addition, there are as many as 225 million professionals from more than 200 countries “LinkedIn” who dialogue about business subjects on a daily basis (LinkedIn, 2013). This makes LinkedIn the largest professional networking site. However, areas of opportunity do exist for Sof-A-Logue to create a network “persona” unique to the corporate image. Technology is pervasive and is still increasing in importance daily.
Slide 5: The first step in determining a strategic focus is to perform a situational analysis of both the player in the market, as well as the segment of interest. A tool that identifies the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of an organization is called a SWOT analysis (Mooradian & Maltzer, 2012). Specifically, SWOT is a straightforward model that assesses what an
References: Adaptly: About. (2013, August 15). Retrieved from Adaptly Business solutions: Adaptly.com Cuneo, A Facebook. (2013, August 1). About. Retrieved from Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/facebook/info L., H LinkedIn. (2013, August 1). About. Retrieved from LinkedIn: http://press.linkedin.com/about McDermott, L., O 'Sullivan, T., Stead, M., & Hastings, G Mizik, N., & Jacobson, R. (2008). The Financial Value Impact of Perceptual Brand Attributes. Journal Of Marketing Research (JMR), 45(1), 15-32. doi:10.1509/jmkr.45.1.15. MKT650 Scenario. (2013, July). Sof-A-Logue.com Scenario. MKT650 Scenario. AIU Online. Mooradian, T., & Maltzer, K. (2012). Strategic Marketing. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Nolan, J., Raynes-Goldie, K., & McBride, M. (2011). The Stranger Danger: Exploring Surveillance, Autonomy, and Privacy in Children 's Use of Social Media. Canadian Children, 36(2), 24-32. Richert, R. A., Robb, M. B., & Smith, E. I. (2011). Media as Social Partners: The Social Nature of Young Children 's Learning From Screen Media. Child Development, 82(1), 82-95. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8624.2010.01542.x. Social Media Cool Tools. (2013, August 15). Retrieved from Social Media in Business: http://socialmediainbusiness.com/tag/social-media-applications Social TV: get in on the conversation Winer, R., & Dhar, R. (2011). Marketing Management, 4th edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.