This research focuses on the advantages of using an improvised light amplifier or “solar bulb” using three (3) basic household materials: Water, Plastic Bottle (preferable a 1.5L bottle), and BLEACH.
The researchers aims to determine the application, advantages and disadvantages, and some other important factors such as the duration of usage, cost, manner of maintenance, and the suitable environment for application.
In addition, the study also involves minimal field work, interviews of some respondents in selected areas, and giving out instructions and training with regards to the improvisation of the actual bulb and its maintenance.
Selection of the respondents are only limited to residents of depressed areas particularly informal settlers since they are most likely in the situation where such innovation could be beneficial considering the structure of their houses. Houses in such areas normally built so close to each other due to limited space therefore limiting the daylight that can pass through. Also, the solar bulb can only be installed in a direct roofing-ceiling structure because a hole needs to be etched in the roofing where the bulb will be fitted in.
Key aspects to this research are the access to solar light or sunlight, weather, and the daytime itself since the solar bulb only works during daytime because it only amplifies daylight that passes through the bottle. Therefore, daytime is also one of the limiting factors of this research. However, it is still very much appealing considering the low cost it requires with promising outputs that can be yielded and utilized for a considerable duration of time. In short, the limiting factor is simply outweighed by the advantages that can be gained from this study.
Our study does not offer a permanent replacement for electrical lighting but only offers an alternative which can give lower electricity bills, well-lit houses and hazard-free environment (fire due to electrical