We the youth also fail to play our role. Most of us pick and choose jobs without theproper qualifications and worst of all many more of us are dropping out of schooleach year. This truancy is rampant in our society nowadays. It is crippling us andwill cause our country's movement and development much difficulty. I thinksomething needs to be done to put a stop to these attitudes and trends. We haveto be educated. As we all know, education is very important in our lives. If you think that education is expensive just try ignorance. So, the challenge to us all isthen to prepare ourselves with the skills and academic knowledge necessary tobecome good citizens who are able to provide meaningful contributions to oursociety. Not only must we all be qualified academically but we also need to beprepared for hard work. No nation can achieve greatness if her citizens are lazy.Therefore, I am making a clarion call on my fellow youths to stop looking for white- collar jobs only. To stop rejecting jobs that the youth of other countries are doinghere, and above all to be innovative. Create self-employment, drop the nervessyndrome, be more patriotic and be prepared to improve upon our efforts always. Parents on the other hand have an important role to play because they are theauthority in the household. It is incumbent on them to provide the child's basicneeds, which are food, shelter, clothing, and education. They should also teachtheir children the real culture of our peaceful community. Parents who fail in thisrole can lead their children into adopting street life, engaging in prostitution andother societal vices that may lead to early pregnancy or worse, dangerous STD's like H.I.V/AIDS. Parents must remember that their children are among the most valuablemembers of society and
We the youth also fail to play our role. Most of us pick and choose jobs without theproper qualifications and worst of all many more of us are dropping out of schooleach year. This truancy is rampant in our society nowadays. It is crippling us andwill cause our country's movement and development much difficulty. I thinksomething needs to be done to put a stop to these attitudes and trends. We haveto be educated. As we all know, education is very important in our lives. If you think that education is expensive just try ignorance. So, the challenge to us all isthen to prepare ourselves with the skills and academic knowledge necessary tobecome good citizens who are able to provide meaningful contributions to oursociety. Not only must we all be qualified academically but we also need to beprepared for hard work. No nation can achieve greatness if her citizens are lazy.Therefore, I am making a clarion call on my fellow youths to stop looking for white- collar jobs only. To stop rejecting jobs that the youth of other countries are doinghere, and above all to be innovative. Create self-employment, drop the nervessyndrome, be more patriotic and be prepared to improve upon our efforts always. Parents on the other hand have an important role to play because they are theauthority in the household. It is incumbent on them to provide the child's basicneeds, which are food, shelter, clothing, and education. They should also teachtheir children the real culture of our peaceful community. Parents who fail in thisrole can lead their children into adopting street life, engaging in prostitution andother societal vices that may lead to early pregnancy or worse, dangerous STD's like H.I.V/AIDS. Parents must remember that their children are among the most valuablemembers of society and