Solitary confinement can also have influence on a person’s perspective such as that of Abdallah Ajmi who was a total American supporter, just worked for the taliban so he was a low risk to the government. Then in and out of solitary confinement and he turned into the worst terrorist of all; the one people didn’t see coming, such as that happened on nine eleven. Abdallah Ajmi was just a captive, then thanks to his experience with solitary confinement, he went straight to suicide bomber. The government is taken aback as it stated in the article, “From captive to suicide bomber” by Rajiv Chandrasekaran, “What makes Ajmi’s journey …show more content…
from inmate to bomber so disturbing to top government officials is the fact that he never was deemed to be among the worst of the worst. He was not one of the former top al-qaeda operatives considered ‘high value’ detainees; nor was he regarded as someone who posed a significant, long-term threat to the U.S.”(2). This put yet another fear into the heart of our government. Now they are shocked and worried because now they have to be cautious of every other low level terrorist out there making everything a big deal.
The main thing that would set a person crazy in an internment facility would be the conditions of which they were detained and or confined. The conditions are probably going to be the main cause for the many mental illnesses that are suffered. The conditions of solitary drastically affect a person’s mind because they are already stressed so to add to it by creating a trauma would put some people, under certain conditions into mental shock triggering those mental illnesses. One example of horrible confinement conditions that would cause mental
Villegas 5 illnesses, this person is not suffering from mental illnesses, can be found in the article, “Detained Lawyer details torture by Chinese Police” by Chris Buckley, that states, “Xie Yang, a Chinese lawyer, was encircled day and night by interrogators who blew smoke in his face, punched and kicked him, and threatened to turn him into an ‘invalid’ unless he confessed to political crimes, he has said”(Chris Buckley 1). They threatened his family countless times. The interrogators used him to undermine the Communist party by pretending to be multiple disgruntled citizens in order to throw the Communist party off. He was under secretive detention for half of a year and allowed no social contact after he was taken by the police on July 11, 2015. It is conditions like these that cause these mental disorders suffered by the victims of these solitary confinement facilities.
Along with many mental effects, internment also violates people’s rights along with many other forms of national security such as surveillance.
Surveillance at times can violate people's rights as it can intrude on their privacy. However in Wartime things can be different making people feel that freedom is worth giving up for their protection. At times for Amazon recipe sacrifice in order to protect the General Public. One must understand that these sacrifices are extremely necessary in terms of severe scarcity of Freedom or protection. Although the government can take it too far. Loss of time is JC government internship on the people's civil rights. Our civil rights are often interferes with as it states in the article, “A new challenge to civil liberties” by Jim Puzzanghera, “As america girds for a lengthy War, it carries a long history of curtailing civil rights in the pursuit of victory--from Abraham Lincoln's suspension of habeas corpus, allowing unexplained the tensions during the Civil War, to the internment of more …show more content…
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120,000 Japanese-Americans during World War II”(Jim Puzzanghera 1). Another example of the government going too far can be seen in the same article by Jim Puzzanghera, “That history worries Muslim leaders, constitutional Scholars, and civil liberties Advocates as the Bush Administration pushes for broader powers for investigators such as greater freedom to tap phones and detain Suspects”(Jim Puzzanghera 1). Although this quote shows a push for National Security there is a point where it borders on the line of interference with civil liberties. During Terror threats such as the ones we face today the government is allowed wiretapping and search and seizure of authority. Habeas corpus enacted by Abraham Lincoln is an example of a necessary time to restrict the right to free speech in times of crisis. This may seem right because it is a matter of National Security but it sharply interferes with the privacy and rights of the citizens.
We do not have to settle with the government infringing on civil liberties and interfering with the Constitution. There are alternatives to internment facilities or in other words solitary confinement because it is not always the answer nor is it the best answer. Like it was said before the conditions under which one is detained and or tortured can affect him or her even after going home. State prisons must acknowledge this and help lower the solitary population because those going out into the real world once being released will face an easier transition than those who are victimized in solitary confinement by torture and such. Putting inmates in solitary confinement does not make us safer nor does it give us better citizens. Solitary confinement rarely has the desired outcome and it does not fix the inmates but in some ways makes them worse. The
Villegas 7 government was acknowledge this and at least make an attempt to reduce our population of solitary confinement inmates.
What does it take for someone to be put into solitary confinement?
Solitary confinement should be a last resort. The government is taking advantage of the power and it is now common for solitary confinement to be enforced. Solitary is used for minor things going from enforcing fear to a result of downright defiance. This is a constant occurrence many state prisons today. Inmate are sentenced to solitary confinement for little things such as possessing contraband and using profanity. This is effecting many of the inmates in solitary confinement because inmates are in solitary for years at a time. There is no wonder why it has such drastic psychological effects. Solitary should be used as it used to as a last resort for the worst of the worst but now it is just a commonality used to enforce fear into the inmates that serve their sentences at these state prisons throughout the
Internment is unconstitutional and morally and ethically wrong and our government must know. Our own people know that is why there are so many articles written on the topic. So many protests. Many reasons connect to sentencing inmates or the convicted to solitary confinement and sometimes is used as a reason for propaganda to distract the people but we know. We have learned and we now know the psychological effects that consists with solitary confinement and the conditions under which someone may suffer. It violates our civil liberties and infringes on the Constitution. It may be a matter of National Security but it is also a matter of national privacy and Mental Health.