A. Preparation and Standardization of KMnO4 Solution:
I weighed out about 2.8 grams of potassium permanganate and dissolved it in about 200 ml of distilled water. I made sure to make all of the permanganate dissolve, of course, by stirring it thoroughly. I then weighed about 2 samples of sodium oxalate (.47 and .50 g) then placed them in some 200-ml Erlenmeyer flasks, then and added about 50 ml of distilled water to them as well. I then titrated the potassium permanganate solution after adding about 15 ml of 3 M sulfuric acid to the oxalate and heating the whole solution to about 60-90 C, using a magnetic stirring bar to help stir. I kept on slowly titrating at the same temperature until the solution turns very light pink. I then stopped, recorded the amount of KmnO4 used, then went on.
B. Preparation and Analysis of Samples:
I weighed out about 12 g of sodium oxalate and then put it into a 250-ml Erlenmeyer flask, along with 150 ml of distilled water. I then stirred it around, to make sure that the solution dissolved completely. After stirring, I measured its current temperature then allowed it to settle for a while.