Manufacturing and Warehousing
Instructor : Spyros Reveliotis
Summer 2003
Solutions for Homework #1
Chapter 1 Operations and Productivity
1. Define Operations Management in your own words.
Operations management can be defined as the field that deals with the effective and efficient design and operation of the transformation processes that provide the various goods and services..
2. Consider the potential contribution of information sciences to OM. Why is the management of information of such great importance in the management of “production”?
The management of information is of great importance to operations management because:
(a) without “information” one would have no knowledge of the state of input resources, process performance, or output goods and/or services;
(b) properly developed information systems can contribute to the overall integration required to allow a firm to produce on a competitive basis;
(c) “good” decisions require “good” information—the right information, at the right place, at the right time.
More specifically, the production planning problem can be described as the company effort to produce the right product in the right quantities in an efficient manner. It should be obvious then, that in order to address the first issue, i.e., produce the right products in the right quantity, the companies need to have information about the market behavior, i.e., the expected demand and any further developing trends.
Similarly, in order to meet this expected demand efficiently, the companies need to have a clear understanding of – i.e., detailed information about - their current operational status – i.e., existing stock, production capacity, already initiated production, expected supplier deliveries, etc. – since only then they can make the right decisions regarding how to adjust the existing status in a way that will allow them to meet the expected