Exceptional Teachers
Exceptional teachers provide students with maximum encouragement, motivation, challenges and belief in themselves. Teachers who believe their students are capable of the classwork help create a self-fulfilling prophecy. The student will begin to hold the same belief of themselves and act on it. It is therefore vital that teachers, parents and caregivers send the right message to students. Students need to know that their teachers, parents and caregivers believe in them and that they are capable of academic success. Exceptional teachers create a classroom culture of high expectations. They do not hold preconceived notions about particular students but believe that all of their students are capable of reaching academic success. Parental Involvement
Parental involvement is extremely important to a students academic success. Children spend most of their time at home and the environment a student comes from determines their start of academic success. If a student's home is rich in books, that early exposure to literacy will usually mean a student starts reading early. Parents who are actively involved in their children's education ensure that their children are doing their homework. They also encourage their children to