is without a college education there is no bright path and your future is not promised. I look up to celebrities for there ambition and talent however, the singing, videos, movies doesn’t last forever. So the benefits my college education will provide in my personal and professional life is mainly based on stability and happiness. I look at it as a process. Participate in school, earn my degree, job placement. Having a career after college will help bring my family and I closer together with no financial concerns. This way my siblings that look up to me, will follow my path by seeking greater things in their lives. Finally, another benefit from college is I’m able to find myself within. Throughout all the experiences and changes I have overcome, college is helping me to grow into who I’am today.
is without a college education there is no bright path and your future is not promised. I look up to celebrities for there ambition and talent however, the singing, videos, movies doesn’t last forever. So the benefits my college education will provide in my personal and professional life is mainly based on stability and happiness. I look at it as a process. Participate in school, earn my degree, job placement. Having a career after college will help bring my family and I closer together with no financial concerns. This way my siblings that look up to me, will follow my path by seeking greater things in their lives. Finally, another benefit from college is I’m able to find myself within. Throughout all the experiences and changes I have overcome, college is helping me to grow into who I’am today.