Command List:/clearchat (cls): clears the chat and provides a clean history of commands. /defuse : removes any primed tnts in the area /duplicate [amount] (dup) : duplicates the item any given amount, no argument: just 1 duplication /ench <name/id of enchantment> <level> (e) : enchants the equipped item with any enchantment, with level from 1 – 127. If name = list, list of all enchantments shows up. /enchrem <name/id> (er) : removes enchantment of equipped item. /explode [strength] (boom) : creates explosion at player’s position. If no argument, strength defaults to 4. /gm : switches between survival and creative. If player on survival, sets to creative and vice-versa. /goto [name] : Teleports the player to a given waypoint set by the /setpos command, if no argument, shows a list of all waypoints in the world /heal [number of half-hearts] (h): heals the player by the given number of half hearts, if no argument, heals completely /hunger [food level] (f) : sets the hunger to the given food level, if argument is “min”, sets to 1 food level, if ”max” sets to 20, if no argument, sets to 20. /killmobs : kills all the mobs in the area /makestack [amount] (ms) : makes non-stackable item stack to the given amount, if no argument, stacks to 64. /mobspawner <Entity> (mos) : creates a mob spawner where the player is pointing at with given entity. if entity = list, shows up a list of spawnable entities. /namehead <username> : Makes the head block show the given user’s head based on his skin. /platform [blockid:datavalue] : Places a block at the player’s feet with the given blockid:datavalue, if no argument, defaults to glass. /potionfx <effectname> <amplifier> <duration> (pfx) : Adds an effect to a potion with the given effectname, amplifier, and duration (in seconds). if effectname = list, shows up a list of all possible effects. /potionfxrem
Command List:/clearchat (cls): clears the chat and provides a clean history of commands. /defuse : removes any primed tnts in the area /duplicate [amount] (dup) : duplicates the item any given amount, no argument: just 1 duplication /ench <name/id of enchantment> <level> (e) : enchants the equipped item with any enchantment, with level from 1 – 127. If name = list, list of all enchantments shows up. /enchrem <name/id> (er) : removes enchantment of equipped item. /explode [strength] (boom) : creates explosion at player’s position. If no argument, strength defaults to 4. /gm : switches between survival and creative. If player on survival, sets to creative and vice-versa. /goto [name] : Teleports the player to a given waypoint set by the /setpos command, if no argument, shows a list of all waypoints in the world /heal [number of half-hearts] (h): heals the player by the given number of half hearts, if no argument, heals completely /hunger [food level] (f) : sets the hunger to the given food level, if argument is “min”, sets to 1 food level, if ”max” sets to 20, if no argument, sets to 20. /killmobs : kills all the mobs in the area /makestack [amount] (ms) : makes non-stackable item stack to the given amount, if no argument, stacks to 64. /mobspawner <Entity> (mos) : creates a mob spawner where the player is pointing at with given entity. if entity = list, shows up a list of spawnable entities. /namehead <username> : Makes the head block show the given user’s head based on his skin. /platform [blockid:datavalue] : Places a block at the player’s feet with the given blockid:datavalue, if no argument, defaults to glass. /potionfx <effectname> <amplifier> <duration> (pfx) : Adds an effect to a potion with the given effectname, amplifier, and duration (in seconds). if effectname = list, shows up a list of all possible effects. /potionfxrem