During primary and secondary, we have to be instilled all kinds of discipilines, such as maths, English, physics, chemistry, etc. Entering universities, we should be endowed the rights to acquire knowledge for our own sake. Firstly, interest is the best teacher, if we could chose what we like, more enthusim would we have during studying. On the contrary, if we was instilled some knowledge and skills related to future career only rather than those we was interested in, sound effects would not be achieved. Secondly, in the morden society, all-rounds development is essential, which is not just consisted of job skills or knwledge related to career, constantly, universities have to give access to various knowledge. Additionly, moral values, ways of thinking and methods of doing are also needed to be caltivated in universities, obviously, it would be far away if universities just concerned students’ future career.
Admittedly, job skills and knowledge related to career is very important because of the severe competition in job market. The acclerated rate of unemployment make most graduates stewed, and the pressure of universities are inceasing. Standing from this point, universities should emphysis providing knowledge and skills related to future career, while it can not be the unique purpose.
On balance, I think the true function of universities is to give access to knowledge for its own sake, after all there are many aspects more important than job