Their song is one to spread awareness and to help others understand what women have to go through and how they are treated from their perspective. This message was meant to reach everyone because everyone needs to understand that women violence is not right, but since most perpetrators of women violence are men the song was probably mostly intended for them. On the other hand, this song advocates for women specifically. In a male dominated culture, Fugazi took the power they processed to get this message out that many people weren’t hearing or paying attention to. Through this song they provided many women with a voice who couldn’t speak for themselves, and that is one reason it was such a strong and powerful tool for …show more content…
With a good story, you can capture many people’s attention and hearts. The six characteristics stated in the book are that they have to be true, relevant, human, passionate, original, and surprising (Hadley & Chapman, 2011, p. 71-72). The story that is told through this song has every single one of those components and I think that is what made this song so successful is spreading a message and reaching people. For the characteristic of being relevant, the issue this song portrays is still present today but it was extremely relevant when it was written in 1988. The second wave of feminism was from the 1960’ s to the 1980’s, and this was around the time the song was written. During this time the debate was broadened to including things such as gender norms, inequalities, and the roles that women possessed in society. Since this was such a prevalent issue during this period, it was a perfect time for Ian and his band to speak out about feminism and advocate for women through their music. For the characteristic of it being passionate, you can sense the passion in the way Ian sings. The song is a rock and roll song so it is sang with a lot of yelling and intensity, but beyond that you can hear the passion in his voice and in his inflection. The emotion he has is raw, and it is stunning. If you watch videos of him performing this song, you can clearly see and feel the intensity, and passion