I will be writing about “Sonnet 130” that was written in 1609 by William Shakespeare. The theme of this sonnet is romance, but it isn’t the conventional love poem were you praise your mistress and point out to the readers all the ways in which she is perfect and the best. In this sonnet we could see that beauty isn’t a rush when you talk about love and how does Shakespeare compares her mistress appearance to things which she isn’t, this means her mistress isn’t the like a “Super model” however he loves her imperfections because those are the ones which make her a human.
In the first quatrain of the sonnet we could see more clearly what I told above.
“My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun;
Coral is far more red, than her lips red:
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun; if hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.”
In this first quatrain we can see how he isn’t describing perfectly her mistress like in any other conventional love sonnet; instead he is being realistic and praising her mistress beauty in real terms. He starts refusing how her mistress eyes don’t look like the sun, this is because the sun is bright and easy to see, however her mistress eyes are cold. He also tells us that coral which is a type of orange are redder than her lips; this means that her mistress lips are a normal colour, not the perfect red ones. He also tells us that if snow is white, then her mistress is a type of brownish grey. In the last line of this quatrain we could see again how he isn’t describing her as a perfect person, he tells us that her hair is like black wires and that her hair does not seem as nice as silky smooth hair. Shakespeare is giving metaphors and “odd use” as instead of comparing his mistress to something, he is comparing her to something she is not. This literary device makes the reader have a better image of her and to see how he still loves all her imperfections.
“I have seen roses