Temporary Working Bibliography
Guterson, D. (1992). Family matters: Why homeschooling makes sense. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
Stevens, M. (2003). Kingdom of children: culture and controversy in the homeschooling movement.
Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey. Retrieved from: http://books.google.com.ph/books
Angelis, K. (2008, December). Home schooling: Are partnerships possible (Doctoral Dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Database. (AAT 3307792).Lawrence, F. (2007). Home schooling: Status and bibliography. pp. 35-82. New York, Nova Science Publishers Incorporated. Retrieved from: http://books.google.com.ph/books
Klicka, C. (2001). Home schooling: The right choice. Nashville, Tennessee, B&H Publishing Group. Retrieved from: http://books.google.com.ph/books
(2012, October). African American Homeschooling as Racial Protectionism. Journal of Black Studies (43), 723-748. Thousand Oaks, California, Sage Publications. Retrieved from: http://jbs.sagepub.com/content/43/7/723.full.pdf
Lyman, I. (2001, August). The homeschooling revolution. Missouri, Bench P.R. International.
Retrieved from:http://books.google.com.ph/books
Belfield, C. (2002). Modeling school choice: A comparison of public, private-independent, private-religious and home-schooled students. Retrieved from: http://www.ncspe.org/publications_files/20_OP_49.pdf
Rudner, L. (1998). The scholastic achievement and demographic characteristics of home schooled students in 1898. EPAA, 7, March 1999. Retrieved from: http://epaa.asu.edu/ojs/article/view/543
Ray, B. (2003). Home educated and now adults: Their community and civic involvement, views about homeschooling, and other traits. National Home Education Research Institute. Retrieved from:http://www.roots-homeschooling.com/images/uploads/resources/Research_Revelations.pdf
Rummel, S. (2012, October). Pros and cons of homeschooling. Tctimes. Retrieved from:
Bibliography: Guterson, D. (1992). Family matters: Why homeschooling makes sense. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Stevens, M. (2003). Kingdom of children: culture and controversy in the homeschooling movement. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey Rudner, L. (1998). The scholastic achievement and demographic characteristics of home schooled students in 1898. EPAA, 7, March 1999. Retrieved from: http://epaa.asu.edu/ojs/article/view/543 Ray, B Rummel, S. (2012, October). Pros and cons of homeschooling. Tctimes. Retrieved from: http://www.tctimes.com/news/pros-and-cons-of-homeschooling Lawrence, J Rivero, L. (2008, January 22). The homeschooling option: How to decide when it 's right for your family. Pelgrave, Mcmillan. Retrieved from:http://books.google.com.ph/books. Lips, D. & Feinberg, E. (2008, April 3). Homeschooling: A growing option in American education. 2122. The Heritage Foundation. Massachusetts, Washington, D.C. Retrieved from:http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2008/04/homeschooling Aypay, A Raja, C. (2012). A personal journey into home learning. Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning 6(12), 1-29. Nisiping University. Retrieved from: http://jual.nipissingu.ca/archives Ray, B