Discussion Document
October 2002
Discussion document
Prepared for the Department of Labour by Dawie Bosch & Associates
Funded by the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO)
International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) for use in the consultative process towards a national child labour programme for South Africa.
Core team members
Dawie Bosch, Debbie Budlender, Sam Tshabalala
Ann Skelton, Dawie Bosch, Debbie Budlender, Leslie London, Neva Makgetla, Sam Tshabalala, Shireen Motala, Shirin Motala, Shirley Mabusela
Comment on the analysis in this document, or proposals for policy, should be received by the Department of Labour by 28 February 2003. It may be sent in one of the following ways: By post: Minimum Standards Directorate Department of Labour Private Bag X117 0001 Pretoria By fax to (012) 309-4709 By email to joy.mehlomakulu@labour.gov.za
This and other documents and links are available at http://www.labour.gov.za and http://www.ilo.org/public/english/standards/ipec/simpoc/southafrica/index.htm
Produced in cooperation with International Labour Organisation (ILO)
International Programme on the Elimintation of Child Labour (IPEC)
4 Route des Morillons
CH-1211 Heneva 22
Tel (0941-22) 799-8181 / Fax (0491-22) 799-8771
Area Office, Pretoria
PO Box 40254
Arcadia 0007
Tel (012) 431-8800 / Fax (012) 431-8859
ISBN 0-620-29760-3
Executive Summary
1. Overview of the structure of the discussion document
2. International standards
3. Policy measures
4. Key findings of the SAYP and qualitative research
5. What work activities are harmful to children?
6. Principles and discussion points
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 What has already been done about child labour?
1.2 The way forward
Chapter 2: International instruments affecting child
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