HIS 110
University of Phoenix
Native Americans
Northern Colonists
Mid-Atlantic Colonists
Southern Colonists
West Africans
Economic Structure
Trade was the main form of economic structure for the Native Americans. They traded anything from food to wares to hunting weapons. (Schultz 2010)
It began more like a socialist nation where everyone worked for the good of the village and all products were shared with the whole community (Schultz 2010).
With the equality everyone shared the work to help the community (Schultz 2010).
With the tobacco they brought with them from Europe they cultivated a new species of the tobacco which became a successful commodity in England allowing them to bring slaves in to help cultivate …show more content…
According to "Indentured servant” (n.d.), an indentured servant is “a person who came to America and was placed under contract to work for another over a period of time.” This meant that the servant chose to become a slave in the respect that they worked for no pay. These were people who wanted a new life in the New World and were willing to sign a contract to work for no money and earn their freedom and perhaps more. Their trip across the Atlantic was paid for by their “master” and they were given room and board during their contract (ushistory.org, 2013).
Slaves where considered property of another person (Slaves, n.d.). This means that the person does not chose to work for someone else. During Colonial America slaves were people that were either war prisoners or West Africans or Native Americans captured. They were used as labor for wealthy farmers so they did not have to hire people and would keep more of their money. In the New World they could not earn their freedom and where bound to slavery for life as well as their children and many generations …show more content…
The Colonists learned with difficultly that Native American would be hard to force to work for nothing or against what they felt was the right way to work. The West Africans treated their slaves better than the Colonists but still sold them to the Europeans allow them to have cheap labor they could treat any way they wished. The difference in indentured servants and slaves changed how the labor force was used to expand the colonies and opened a new way of life for many