Sparta, one of the greatest civilisation mankind has ever seen, was know for the high military rank in all of Europe in the from the years 500 B.C. They finally got independent from other parts in greece in the year 375 B.C. Its rise went very fast through the military society, but how did it fall and how long did it take to fall? How can a civilisation that went on for hundreds of years just collapse in a very short amount of time. Where the spartan in war with someone and fell, or did the civilisation just not survive longer under high military pressure they undertook? The Spartan civilisation was located in central greece at the river eurotas where also there territory spread. They had direct connection to the sea which is a great part in trading. Some of the larger cities in Sparta where Hélos, Amyclées and Thérapné. Sparta was the first city to use democracy in history predating Athens by half a century. Lacedaemon, how sparta was called in the past, were also the first civilisation to spread wealth among the citizen fairly. They used everyone as infantry even peasants who were trained poorly.
Both, Athens and Sparta, were the most powerful states in greece and had fought as allies in the 50 year lasting Greco-Persian war. After Persia retreated Athens grew more powerful and tension rose between the two states. It escalated into nearly three decades of war. Sparta won the war and athens went back bankrupt, exhausted and defeated. They won it since they used 200,000 Helots from farms all around sparta. This was the first spark of weakness seen in Spartan history, which could have lead to the collapse. Since also Sparta emerged the fight with a great loss of army and population. Neither city nor the state regained the military strength they once had.