Spastics Society of Karnataka (SSK) started off as a branch of the Spastics Society of India in the year 1982, and went on to become autonomous in the year 1994. SSK is located on a 5 acre campus, donated by the Government of Karnataka, in Indiranagar, in the garden city of Bangalore
The history goes way back to 1982 when a mother of a spastic child, Malini, Mrs. Meethu Alur sowed the seed for existing SSK on the land which was provided to us by Government of Karnataka. Since then, this great tree of multiple services, interventions and programmes has grown. This beautiful banyanan tree with its columns of aerial roots give support to thousands of children with neuromuscular impairment and developmental disablities. Today we are serving 1300 children annually in our various subcenters and affiliated centers.
The nurturing of the seed to a beautiful banyan tree has happened due to the enduring services with involvement and affection by professionals, parents and volunteers and community and efforts of children themselves.
Till date we have serviced around 20,000 children and families.
Conscious, Conscientious and Constant endeavor in: * Maximising the potential of children with special needs * Inclusiveness in all aspects of daily life * Establising their rights to be part of the community.
To reach out to as many persons with disabilities who are neurologically impaired,mentally challenged or fall in to the category of Autism Spectrum Disorders through community based services.
To promote inclusive education and mainstream concepts in schools, colleges, technical