Before the evaluation of the outcomes of the students, it is crucial that the agreement must be evaluated in order to identify that which students are included in this process. The national council for special education identifies the educational engagement of the students in the school and identifies the progress and outcomes. The teachers must provide the additional time to the students in order to provide those help in their education and students can easily develop several skills. The educational psychologists help to develop the educational engagement in the students and identify the progress of the students. Also, the teachers evaluate the awards bearing assessment of the students in order to evaluate the level of achievement of the students (Junco, 2013 …show more content…
It is crucial for the parents to enrol the student in the school. Most of the schools in the united kingdom welcome the students because they are enrolled in the educational needs program. In several schools there are certain barriers for the students and the parents discourage that school and try to stop their child from that underlying school. Every children having the special education needs can saved him from the enrolment practices. Research indicates that the professional teachers act with the students. If the teachers is highly qualifies than it is also the barrier for the students because the students must have to focus on the education. The principle of the school use soft barriers in the meeting in order to provide guidance to the parents. At the time of enrolment of the students in the school, the principle identifies the soft barriers to the parents of the child in order to clear their concepts (von der Heidt