What is Protein?
There are more than 300 amino acids in the nature. However, only 20 amino acids are joined by each other with peptide bonds in different sequences and numbers. These sequences are formed by helping of genetic information which is encoded in genes. So, each protein molecule has its own amino acid sequence. Proteins are most abundant long chain macromolecules in all cells and they serve as structure and function matter in cells of all living organisms such as hormones, enzymes, antibodies. [1] Fig. 1 Fig. 2 General structure of amino acids Protein fragment showing peptide bond
Basis of Spectrophotometer
Measuring amount of substance in solution by helping of solution color is called colorimetry. Devices that used for this method is called colorimeter. In colorimetric measurements, color of solution is compared with color of standard solutions in different concentrations.
Measuring amount of substance in solution by helping intensity of transmittance light from solution is called photometry. Devices that used for this method is called photometer. This kind of devices have filter to adjust wavelength of light. If the device has a prism to do this, it is called spectrophotometer. In photometric measurements, concentration of colorless solutions can be measured(by using UV lights).[2]
Spectrophotometer is a kind of photometer which is used in molecular biology. It is used for determining the amount of substance in solution. Basic principle of the spectrophotometer is light transmittance with specific spectrums through the solution and determining the amount of absorbance. As amount of substance in solution increases, so more light is absorbed by solution. Spectrophotometer gives quantitative information about amount of substance in solution by determining intensity of not absorbing light. For example, to obtain growth of bacteria at different temperatures, when
References: 1. “Protein” http://extension.usu.edu/files/publications/publication/FN_191.pdf 2. “Spectrophotometer” http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~bioslabs/methods/protein/spectrophotometer.html 3. “Spectrophotometer” http://www.chm.davidson.edu/vce/spectrophotometry/Spectrophotometry.html 4. “Bradford Assay” http://www.science.smith.edu/departments/Biochem/Biochem_353/Bradford.html 5. “Bradford Assay” http://ww2.chemistry.gatech.edu/~lw26/bCourse_Information/4581/techniques/bradford/bradford.html