*raise your hand if you’.;pre pro-life*
*now raise your hand if you’re pro-choice*
Where do you stand on the option of abortion? Girls and women should the option if they get raped. The choice to either keep the baby or have an abortion. Do you think women and girls should be able to have an abortion? 49% of the U.S is pro-life of that 49% 32% has had a miscarriage or has had an abortion.
Abortions she be legal, girls and women need to have the choice. Some women get raped which would lead into keeping an unwanted child and unsafe abortions if we made it illegal. In 2017 there 156 million abortions world wide. Where abortions were illegal the women and girls still found a way, however 68 thousand women died in 2017 …show more content…
You have years of high school and college left you would have your whole life still ahead of you.how can you accomplish any of that with a child (you can't it's almost impossible) but my mom did it, she was in high school when she had me and i give her a big thumbs up because she also went to college and she never thought of having an abortion. But some mother get diagnosed with cancer and then have to make THE choice. The choice to save their life or thier unborn child's life also keep in mind if you do get the chemotherapy you would be cause growth defects on your child causing the child to be very underweight when …show more content…
There are also 1000 down sides from getting abortions but i have have time to name all of those reasons so here's just an idea. 1) you’ll always feel as if you murdered a child. 2)a child is a gift from god. Which abortions defies the word of god. And 3) if you ever wanted a child again it would be very difficult and there will be a lot of treatments to be done if you wanted a child ever again
There are way to manythings that can go wrong will getting an abortion.like bladder injuries, it could end in breast cancer, there are even time where the abortion fails, hepatitis,placenta cancer. It's better to stay away from sex as a teenager at least until you know you want to have a child. Or you'll be the 1 in 4 women,or end up with some of these side effects, and there is also so much to look forward to in life. Just live a normal safe life so you don't have to worry about anything.
Why kill a child you dont want when you can just put him or her up for adoption when born, or not even put yourself into the position at all. When you are are a rape victim it is one thing, but just sleeping around just to do it then wanting to get an abortion is another. Why not just focus on school because more than half of abortions are high