The website says there is a four step process. First you need to get a petition and fill that out. Then you hopefully get approved and then check the date, begin processing, get an agent, and then pay fees. After that you collect and submit forms and documents. Finally after all of this, you wait and hopefully you will get accepted. Would you want to do this just to leave your country. For all you know this could take years. People want to avoid this long process, so they just leave.
Even though people say, you cannot trust random people from different country because they could be spy’s. I understand where that is coming from, but most people who leave these countries are coming here because they have had terrible lives, and they want better ones. Also according to, more than 8 million immigrants are working here in the US. They people help stabilize our economy, and help us not fall even deeper into debt than we already are.
This is why the process is too long and the chances are slim. Thousands of people are waiting to get approved, or they cannot pay the fees necessary to be legal. People need a chance at life, and want the kids to have a better future. What would do if you were in the shoes of one of them, only trying to have a better life for you and your